Dear Mindy: Here I am on a Sunday afternoon trying to decifer what you believe and where you are. Your last post as much as declared that you can't decide what is the best thing to do about health care unless you see a full blown proposal from conservatives. That does tell me a lot. Actually, if you listen, there are many voices decrying the intrusion of government into this major part of our lives, and pleading to let the private sector continue to what it does best, that is make it better at the least cost (for everyone). Doing nothing, although not what I would choose right now, is far better than what is being proposed. For the time being, Barry and friends are steamrolling a bill through that must be so toxic, they can't afford to let the representatives have as much as 72 hours to look it over before voting. They have also changed the locks on the committee rooms so someone from the minority party doesn't barge in. Believe it. Conservatives have their hands full right now throwing a wrench in the gears of the most far reaching and damaging social legislation in the history of our fair nation.
You like the President's "clear and concise" way of communicating in a constructive, rather than critical way of others ideas. I am reminded of Charles Krauthammer's remarks that we need to watch what he does rather than what he says. They are two different things, sad to say. I wouldn't classify his health care reform, HR3200 that is 1506 pages long, as clear and concise. His speeches are one thing, the reality is a 1500 page bill. What is his clear and concise response to General McCrystal? Still dithering on a request for more troops that is in line with his campaign promise to clean up Afganistan.
You want to now go to the church's role in dealing with poverty. We (I) have been dealing with that all along. The government's place will be to force the redistribution of wealth to those with less, and I am against that. Does that label me one with selfish interests because I have more than some? I reject it. The church's role is to facilitate the commands of Christ to give, help, enable, disciple, comfort. It is not the role of the State. I have purchased the book, "The Hole in Our Gospel" and am looking forward to it. In the meantime, "The Grand Inquisitor" is speaking to a reincarnated but silent Christ about the three temptations. For purposes of this discussion, most of the material is in the one about turning stones into bread, to wit;
"...for never was there anything more unbearable to the human race than personal freedom! Dost Thou see these stones in the desolate and glaring wilderness? Command that these stones be made bread - and mankind will run after Thee, obedient and grateful like a herd of cattle."
and, "...for where is there freedom of choice where men are bribed with bread?" He is speaking in arrogance about how the church has come to conduct itself. Pretty descriptive of mankind, whether Church or State doing the bribing.
One last thing. Because I love you and you are my daughter, I want to understand you and is a major reason I'm doing this. However, in a dialogue truly pursuing the truth, whether we understand each other is second to whether we find the truth. The good news is, when we find the truth, we will understand each other better.
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