Hi Mindy:
I did read the CT article, but the other wouldn't pull up. Seems to be enough blame and misquoting to go around these days on the subject of health care. I'm afraid I am not at all sympathetic to the idea of government intervention in the medical care of it's people. My problems go back to whether the government has any business at all in these matters, and for me, the answer is no. The State exists for just a few reasons, one being to maintain a standing army for national defense, a domestic police force for preserving the peace internally, and not much more.
When Norman Thomas was running for President on the Socialist ticket in the 1960's, he wanted something like socialized medicine. Americans did not want it and saw the many pitfalls. Neither he nor his programs such as this were taken seriously then, but they are now because we, the frog, are in a pot that is slowly being brought to a boil by liberal politicians. Entitlements of unimaginable scale are our "right" now
Socialized medicine lets the government bull into you and your son's china shop that you will surely regret later. You didn't mention the funding available for abortions, or the 8% premium small businesses will have to pay for govt health care. Will that care be any better? I answer in a simple way. I have never seen the govt do anything better than the private sector can do, warts and all.
About the five year consultation, probably a good thing, but probably a bad thing if this govt is the driving force for it.
I believe a health care bill of some sort will be passed by the Pelosi/Reed combine. It doesn't really matter what's in it. Once the nose of the camel is in the tent, additions and modifications will come fast, and we will have little to say about it. And you won't like it.
My love to you
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