Thursday, September 3, 2009

Convince Me!

My Dear Mindy: Sorry I misinterpreted your statements about knowing everything. I totally relate to your struggle re Romans 7. Like that has happened to me every few minutes for the last 70+ years! I will also grant that Obama may have used military language to describe a civilian initiative. Still, I have to wonder at ANY civilian program that could or should be as large and as well funded as our military. Should we assume he didn't mean that either? Words do matter.

You have implored me to consider what you are actually like, rather that what I think you are like. Well, in my mind, all I have about you is what I think you are like. There is no other for me. My perception of who you are will stay the same until you do or say something to change that. Even so, those perceptions will never truly meet. It's like the Chinese proverb about the seven "I am's":
1) I am
2) I am what I think I am
3) I am what I say I am
4) I am what you think I am
5) I am what you say I am
6) I am what I think you think I am
7) I am what you think I think I am.

The great and funny part is they're all different. Doesn't it blow your mind that number 1 and number 2 are different? However, not to dispare. As we communicate in a trusting atmosphere, the differences narrow. Presumably, number one (1) is the totality of what God knows about me, and I probably don't want to know all that!

Anyway, on to the "convince me" part. I know you are really, passionately after the Truth. I am too. However, for me to continue throwing my ideas at you, hoping something will stick or generate an objection from you, is rather a one way street. That's why I said from the beginning, I can only say the truth as I know it and you can glean from it. You can do the same thing for me. I have already said many things in the first couple blogs and our previous emails that should generate some reaction or assent. Whichever it is doesn't matter to me, however take one issue and come back to me on it. Take a position and see how it feels. For starters, how about the delivery system for compassion. Take from others, or give voluntarily?


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